Abbot Domenic celebrating Bethesda Project at the Annual Party & Auction.

Abbot Domenic Rossi founded Bethesda Project with a mission to provide not just a home for the unhoused in Philadelphia, but a family. From that first day in 1979 through today, our mission has remained the same: “to be family with those who have none.” While times have changed over these 45 years, our dedication to this mission has not. When you enter any Bethesda Project site, you will be treated as a member of our family.

That family is comprised of dedicated staff, our guests and residents, supporters, donors, and the greater Philadelphia community. Amidst fiscal uncertainty and in the face of the loss of government funding, our family remains focused on ensuring that our community’s most vulnerable populations are never without the essential services we provide, but we cannot do it alone.

Support our essential work and make a gift to Bethesda Project’s Domenic Fund, which honors our founder Abbot Domenic Rossi’s lifelong commitment to the abandoned poor. The Domenic Fund plays a crucial role in ensuring the sustainability of Bethesda Project, allowing us to continue our long-term, life-changing work. Your contribution to the Domenic Fund is a direct investment in the future of our mission.


Make your meaningful impact today!

Give with confidence!

Many employers offer matching gift programs allowing you to double your gift to Bethesda Project.

Often, this simply includes submitting a form along with your contribution — our Development Department will do the rest. Contact your HR department to learn more about your company’s policy.

If you would like to mail a check instead, please send to: Bethesda Project, Development Department, 1630 South Street, Philadelphia, PA 19146. Please email or call us at 215-985-1600, ext. 203 with any questions or comments.