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#HHAWeek Poverty Simulation highlighted on Action News (6ABC)

On November 21, 2019, Bethesda Project and Keystone First invited members of the Philadelphia community to walk a mile in the shoes of those experiencing poverty by participating in the Community Action Poverty Simulation.

According to Pew Charitable Trusts, Philadelphia is the poorest city among America’s largest cities, and is an indicator that affects many aspects of city life. The Poverty Simulation is designed to help participants begin to understand what it might be like to live in a typical low-income family, trying to survive from month to month. It is a simulation, not a game. The object is to sensitize participants to the realities faced by people living below the poverty line.

In this simulation, we sought to raise awareness on how poverty negatively impacts our city, where nearly 400,000 residents live below the poverty line. Action News (Channel 6 ABC) sstopped by and highlighted the event on the evening news.